Patients Rights
As a patient in Marigold Hospital and Critical Care Centre, you have rights which we uphold. These include Your right to;
- Considerate, respectful and compassionate care, regardless of your age, gender, race, religion, nationality, political views, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability.
- Attention when you request help with the understanding that other patients may have more urgent needs.
- Addressed by your proper name.
- Care provided in a safe setting.
- Care provided by concerned staff committed to pain prevention and management.
- To be told the names of the doctors, nurses and other health team members directly involved in your care.
- Information in terms you can understand about your diagnosis, treatment and expected result to be provided by your attending physician.
- Information on risks and benefits of treatment and alternative treatment where available.
- Information about pain and pain relief.
- Freedom from the use of restraints unless clinically indicated.
- Transparent billing and further explanation of your bill.
- Privacy at all times during your care.
- A clean healthcare environment.
- Be treated with respect always.
- To reasonable visitation by family and friends except in the critical care unit where visitation is limited.
- Decline care recommended by the doctor. However, in such a situation you must sign a form stating this and accepting responsibility for your decision.
- Decline or accept to participate in medical research.
- Complain and express dissatisfaction regarding services received.
- Quality care